Posted on 12/9/2015

When properly aligned, all of your wheels are pointed in the same direction. Your vehicle will track true and handle the way it is designed. Elk Grove Village motorists often associate our wheels being “knocked” out of alignment with an event like an accident, hitting a pothole, curb or some other object. While these can certainly take your wheels out of alignment, the bumps and bounces of everyday Hanover Park driving take their toll on wheel alignment as well. In addition, your automobile can lose alignment over time with just normal driving. When your wheels are out of alignment, Kamphaus AutoCare and Emission in Hanover Park can return your wheels to the automobile manufacturer factory settings. Most owners’ manuals suggest an alignment check every year or two. Give us a call Kamphaus AutoCare and Emission 1005 Irving Park Rd Hanover Park, IL 60133
Posted on 6/10/2015
Your car might have an alignment problem if: it drifts or pulls to one side, your steering wheel is off center, you have uneven tire wear or your car doesn't feel like it handles right. When all of a vehicle's wheels are lined up exactly with each other, your wheels are in alignment. Running into potholes, smacking a curb or other object are great ways to knock your car out of alignment. Then one or more of your wheels starts pulling in a slightly different direction and the problems begin. Driving for an extended time when you're out of alignment causes your tires to wear unevenly and excessively. This can be dangerous and expensive. You'll have to replace your tires sooner, but even worse - you may cause premature wear to your suspension system, which can be really expensive. The front wheel alignment is adjustable on all vehicles, and the back wheels are also adjustable on some cars. The adjustment can go three different ways. The first adjustment is called toe. The next ... read more
Posted on 11/28/2014
Most Elk Grove Village folks worry about running out of gas or having a breakdown on the side of the road. That is why we practice preventive maintenance on our vehicles — that and to keep our repair bills down. But one important part of preventive maintenance that may get overlooked by Hanover Park drivers is a periodic alignment inspection. Poor alignment causes tires to wear rapidly, unevenly or both. This means they will have to be replaced early, and new tires are more expensive than an alignment check in Hanover Park. Bad alignment can also cause damage to suspension and steering systems, which can be expensive to repair in Elk Grove Village. Tire wear on misaligned wheels can also lead to blowouts, which are dangerous, can lead to serious accidents, and can seriously damage your pickup. Also, poor alignment itself can be the cause of an accident, since the pickup may not steer properly. One o ... read more
Posted on 7/30/2014
Hello Hanover Park drivers! Let's talk about alignment. One of the most important parts of preventive maintenance for your vehicle is keeping the wheels in alignment. Poor alignment causes your tires to wear unevenly, which can significantly reduce their lifespan. This means you will have to replace them more often, which can be costly in Hanover Park. It can even damage your suspension system, which is a steep repair. But even more importantly, uneven tread wear can lead to blowouts on the road, a dangerous and potentially deadly safety risk for Hanover Park car owners and their passengers. It may not take an accident or bad driving habits to “knock” your tires out of alignment. Tires can go out of alignment with just everyday IL driving. Hanover Park road hazards, pot holes, uneven or gravel roads, even the bumps and bounces of normal Elk Grove Village interstates and surface streets can gradually put your pickup tires out ... read more
Posted on 6/27/2014
Elk Grove Village drivers may have an alignment problem if their car drifts or pulls to one side, the steering wheel's off center, they notice uneven tire wear or the car doesn't feel like it handles right as they drive down Hanover Park, IL streets and freeways. When all of a vehicle's wheels are lined up exactly with each other, your wheels are in alignment. Running into potholes, smacking a curb or other objects around Hanover Park, IL are great ways for Hanover Park auto owners to knock their car out of alignment. Then one or more of your wheels starts pulling in a slightly different direction and the problems begin. The team at Kamphaus AutoCare and Emission in Hanover Park wants you to know that driving for an extended time when your car is out of alignment causes your tires to wear unevenly and excessively. Sometimes the tire can be worn so badly that it will fail. At the very least, Hanover Park drivers who drive with wheels out of alignment will have to replace ... read more